How to Make a Claim
To begin a claim with ClaimsCog, you’ll need to contact us on 03333 447 508 to complete an initial First Notification of Loss call. Then, you can download the appropriate claim pack below and return it to us at 4th Floor, Telecom House, 125-135 Preston Rd, Brighton BN1 6AF. Then it’s a simple matter of keeping in contact with us and supplying any additional information required to progress your claim.
Accident & Sickness Claim Requirements:
In order to promptly complete the process for an Accident & Sickness claim, we need to ask you for some information, including:
- A fully completed claim pack (download link found below)
- 12 months proof of income
- Doctor’s notes
- Additional evidence if applicable (e.g. x-rays, proof of physiotherapy appointments, etc.)
Unemployment Claim Requirements:
To fully complete an Unemployment claim, we ask that you supply us with the following details:
- A fully completed claim pack (download link found below)
- 12 months proof of income
- Jobcentre rewards letter
- Evidence conveying your job searching efforts (e.g. interview invites, application completion confirmations, etc.)